Educational Programs
Homework / Incentives / Employment Preparation
We are fortunate in the downtown area to be surrounded by great schools. At the Door, we supplement this rich resource by providing outstanding one-on-one instruction. With our capable and enthusiastic on-site instructors, we are able to identify each youth’s learning style and build upon it, to ensure success on all of their assignments. By encouraging the development of sound study habits, demonstrating various strategies of organization and encouraging a sense of personal responsibility, we are ensuring success for the student in their pursuit of a quality education. Education leads to new opportunities for youth, develops self-confidence and encourages personal growth.
Homework Room
Dedicated staff and volunteers offer homework and research help to those who need assistance. Our homework room provides a quiet place for the youth to do their homework and is equipped with the resources they need to succeed.
Incentive Program
To help our youth realize the benefits of good study habits, The Door has an incentive program for youth who work on their homework each night and show a commitment to their schoolwork. This program aids our youth in staying motivated and engaged in their education.
Education Coordinator
The Door has an Educational Coordinator, who along with our Homework Help Volunteers, assist with homework, provide positive learning and studying strategies, and make educational resources available to all members.
Employment Preparation
Volunteers assist youth as they prepare for entry into today’s competitive job market. Preparation includes:
- creation of resumes
- completion of applications for employment
- strategies for the interview process
- listings of up-to-date job postings
Social Programs
Resources / Healthy Eating / Speakers / Workshops
The youth are immersed in a social milieu that is diverse and inclusive; it is accepting and welcoming. At the Door, a true reflection of the community’s diversity can be seen. It is a positive environment where friends are valued, mentors are trusted and role models are respected. The ages, cultural backgrounds and opinions of all of the Door’s members and staff are varied and respected, making for a rich and transformative experience. Within this setting, we seek to inspire youth to gain self-confidence, pursue avenues of self-discovery and expression and become responsible and productive members of society.
The Healthy Living Resource Room
We believe in proactively providing youth with the information they need to make smart choices, to stay safe, healthy and protected.
Resources provided include information on safe sex and birth control, lifestyle and identity issues, substance abuse, mental health and general well-being, as well as socially relevant subjects such as HIV/AIDS, sexual assault, body image and peer pressure.
Healthy Eating
We offer a nightly dinner program that emphasizes healthy eating. The youth are involved in the entire process including meal preparation, sharing food with each other, and assisting in cleanup.
Essentials & Basic Resources
The Door recognizes that many of the youth do not have access to the basic necessities of daily living. The Door provides youth with essentials such as tooth brushes, toothpaste, floss, deodorant, body lotion, and menstrual products.
Our youth members are welcome to “shop” at The Door Boutique and collect any clothing or accessories they may need or want.
Speakers and Workshops
Youth are faced with their own unique challenges and we are grateful to be able to welcome professional speakers to share their expertise and knowledge with our youth. Fun and interactive workshops have been held on topics such as mental health, personal safety, sexual health, body image, and accessing community based counselling.
Recreational Programs
Physical Activity / Arts / Media & Tech / Girl's Night
No matter how lofty the goals and projects of a youth centre, young people are only going to show up if they perceive their “second home” to be a fun, exciting and inspiring place. And The Door certainly doesn’t disappoint! There are a great variety of engaging activities at The Door every night. Many are structured by the experienced staff, but many of the best activities have been inspired by the youth themselves. It gives the youth a chance to meet new people, join with others to co-operate and have fun, and test their abilities with their peers. Each evening brings with it a new and thrilling experience!
Physical Activity
The Door makes every effort to facilitate physical activity among our youth, along with a dose of healthy competition. Among the activities offered are basketball, boxing, badminton, road hockey, yoga, skateboarding, and more. Space within the Centre is also provided for pool and table tennis.
Arts Program
The concept and design of our Arts Program is structured so that our youth can receive a well-rounded artistic education and feel free to engage in self-expression.
Many of the visual arts projects undertaken by our youth and are proudly displayed at our centre and in our vibrant neighbourhood of Chinatown.
Our popular music program was highlighted by our appearance at Ottawa Bluesfest.
Media and Technology
Our computers, equipped with high speed internet, are in constant use by our youth for both for recreational and educational purposes.
Movie nights are an all-time favourite amongst our youth and are often used as springboards for spontaneous discussions between our members and staff on real-world issues. Video games provide healthy competition among our members.
The Door strives to be at the cutting edge of technology in our community, and in collaboration of the University of Ottawa is involved in the inspirational “Lend a Hand Project”, which involves the production of 3D-printed prosthetic hands for those in need.
Girls' Night at The Door
Based on available funding and on our female membership numbers and/or the demand from female members, The Door runs girls only nights once a month. During those evenings, female members enjoy some time away from the boys while the female staff members and volunteers run various women empowerment specific programs including positive body image and women in the workforce information sessions. Furthermore, workshops include sexual health information sessions and self-defense classes are offered. In addition, arts and crafts programs as well as having influential female guest speakers come and inspire and motivate the members.
Some of Our Past Programs and Activities

Our volunteer, Joe, teaches future computer technicians computer programing

Lights, camera, action! Our youth turning the spotlight on themselves to film their mockumentary.